Monday, July 26, 2010

Shin Secrets

I have figured out the Secret of my Shins and it's as simple as two words:


It used to be 3 miles that I had to run to warm up at about 10 min/mi pace. Then it dropped to 2. Now it's 2 at 9:30 min/mi pace. This gives me hope that the time I need to warm up will decrease as my legs get stronger. Since I started warming up I have:

1. been able to start doing speedwork again. YIPPEEEEEE! I did a 7:00 min/mi mile this morning as part of my workout. Fun!

2. not done too many long runs. Two miles is a long time to warm up.

3. had considerably slower average pace times over the course of the whole run. Sometimes I cut out the first two miles from my run, so that I can see a faster average pace for the run, but that comes at the expense of cutting out two perfectly good miles! Those miles weren't free, you know! SOMEONE had to run them, and they aren't happy when they don't get counted.

4. been considerably less motivated to run. Weird, huh? All I do when my shins hurt is complain I can't run, and once I realize how to make them not hurt, I lose all motivation. Or maybe it's the heat. Anyway.

Still, I am happy to have discovered this.

The End.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hot run

This morning I got out for a run at the only time of day I knew I was going to be able to get out: in the morning. Unfortunately, it was already quite warm. I was intimidated by the thought of running in the already 80 degree heat (and under the sun, to boot) but I decided to go for it, since I didn't want to skip my normal running day.

I survived. But it was hot. I took the first 2 miles at about 10 min/mi pace, and my shins felt great. I was really glad about that, since I have been having major frustration on and off with them the last few weeks since my foray into the FIRST training program. The heat helped me to slow down enough that my legs were comfortable and yet still made me feel like I was getting a hard workout in. After a couple of miles I sped up and averaged about 9 min/mi on the entire 6 mile run. Needless to say, I was very ready to be done once I got home and felt quite hot, maybe even dehydrated somewhat, since I drank about 26 oz and didn't need to pee for about 3 hours after!

I think I'm going to start doing a little more hot weather running, first for the benefits of getting acclimated to running in the heat, and secondly to get a hard workout in without destroying my legs.

My sights for the future? Continue to log miles to strengthen the legs, and continue the hill sprints more diligently. Eventually begin integrating speed work and tempo runs back in to my training. They are so rewarding, if somewhat daunting when you're doing them (or contemplating doing them) and so beneficial.